Florence: No increase to city access costs

The TAR – regional administrative tribunal – has annulled a decision by the city of Florence to raise the ZTL tariffs charged on coach operators on the basis that no consultation with relevant stakeho

The TAR – regional administrative tribunal – has annulled a decision by the city of Florence to raise the ZTL tariffs charged on coach operators on the basis that no consultation with relevant stakeholders took place prior to the decision. See attached below [Italian].

The resolution of 9th February 2016 scrapped subscriptions which allowed tourist buses temporary access to the city centre, the transport of passengers to and from the airport, train stations, accommodation providers, trade shows and congresses. The new system had limited the number of annual entrances to 100.

ETOA and its partners remain ready to participate in any consultation in support of a long-term strategy for city access.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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