Duesseldorf Helau! Dance, Kiss, Old Beer: Tourism on Steroids!

Düsseldorf 12.02.2024 Rosenmontag Rathaus Foto: Michael Gstettenbauer / Stadt Düsseldorf

The 5th season is known in the German cities of Cologne and Duesseldorf as Carnival – since 1825.

Beer doesn’t have many vitamins, that’s why you have to drink lots of it. This is the belief in Duesseldorf, Germany by 11,285 crazy people who participated in today’s Rose Monday Parade in Dusseldorf, Germany.

They are called “Jecke” a slang word for being nicely crazy.

Everyone was screaming “Helau” today:
There’s no holding back – and it’s ok!

The fifth season known also as the Carnival season was in full swing in the metropolis on the banks of the Rhine today.

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Duesseldorf Helau! Dance, Kiss, Old Beer: Tourism on Steroids!

Carnival is a time when everyone is talking to everyone in Duesseldorf, and conversations get more bizarre with more “Old Beer” (ALT) in circulation.

Carnival has no discrimination, no politics, no tension. People dress up in colorful and sometimes insane costumes, and simply have a good time. A Happy Time for all.

It’s big business for beer. Dusseldorf claims to have the best beer in the country called ALT (Old) Beer. The city is competing with “Koelsch” beer from Cologne. Visitors are well adviced to never ask for a “Koelsch” in Duesseldorf.

Duesseldorf is also known for having the longest bar counter in the world, with hundreds of beer places in the city’s old town party area.

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Duesseldorf Helau! Dance, Kiss, Old Beer: Tourism on Steroids!

“Alt” means “old”—an allusion to the old style of brewing, before the emergence of cold-fermented lager beers. The modern altbier acquired its name only in the 1800s when this Düsseldorf original became threatened by the “new” beer—the lagers of Bavaria and Bohemia, transported there by a growing railroad network.

During Carnival, everyone is in a party mood. The fifth season is better than Yoga.

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Duesseldorf Helau! Dance, Kiss, Old Beer: Tourism on Steroids!

Beer may have certain health benefits, such as decreasing the risk of heart disease and osteoporosis. Maybe this is the reason Dusseldorf has emerged as one of the world’s leading medical tourism destinations, including cardiology.

Beer releases tension, and of course, can get you drunk as well – and today was the day.

The weather in today’s parade in Duesseldorf was perfect, sunny and dry.

No one works on Rose Monday in Duesseldorf or nearby Cologne – it’s party time, no matter what your age, gender, religion, or sexual orientation is.

Rose Monday is equally exciting for visitors, hotels, restaurants, and the old town bars are at capacity starting already at 11 am.

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Duesseldorf Helau! Dance, Kiss, Old Beer: Tourism on Steroids!

The “Zoch” (translated as train from Dusseldorf slang language) had counted for 123 cars and 109-foot groups.

Ten thousand+ visitors and locals watched the “Zoch” proceed and some caught some candies while yelling the specific greeting “Helau”, thrown from the cars to the public.

Today the Prince and his wife took over the City of Duesseldorf, but Mayor Dr. Stephan Keller didn’t mind and joined the party.

The Düsseldorf Rose Monday procession started at around 12:24 pm with the first cars entering the city hall square in the famous “Old Town” coming to an end at the spectator stands.

The theme: “Wat et nit all jöwt…”. – you figure out the translation 🙂

The Düsseldorfer Karneval is the Düsseldorf variant of the “fifth season” known as carnival. The Düsseldorf carnival begins on 11 November each year with the symbolic awakening of the Hoppeditz and ends on Ash Wednesday of the following year with his burial.

The period of carnival is called the Carnival session and marks a high point in the social life of the state capital with numerous sittings and balls. Together with the events in Cologne and Mainz, the carnival procession is one of the largest in Germany. Its annual television broadcast made it known nationwide.

eTurboNews.de is located in Duesseldorf.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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