Clinton calls for stricter Antarctic tourism limits

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for tighter controls over tourism and other forms of pollution in Antarctica Monday, arguing for greater global cooperation to help preserve the continent’s e

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called for tighter controls over tourism and other forms of pollution in Antarctica Monday, arguing for greater global cooperation to help preserve the continent’s environmental and scientific research value.

Addressing a joint session of the Arctic Council and the Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, Clinton said the Obama administration is concerned about the growing popularity of tourism in the southern polar region. She said the United States is proposing new international limits on the number of landings from tourist vessels, as well as greater cooperation to prevent potentially hazardous discharges from those ships.

Her remarks came as the United States helped mark the fiftieth anniversary of Antarctic Treaty, a model for “how agreements created for one age can serve the world in another,” Clinton said.

Clinton also noted that President Barack Obama sent the U.S. Senate an amendment to the treaty last Friday that would spell out how the international community should better prevent and respond to environmental emergencies in Antarctica. The amendment would cover the question of liability tied to environmental damage in the ecologically sensitive region.

In addition, the United States has proposed an extension of the treaty’s marine pollution rules “in a manner that more accurately reflects the boundaries of the antarctic ecosystem,” she noted.

“The treaty is a blueprint for the kind of international cooperation that will be needed more and more to address the challenges of the twenty-first century,” Clinton said.

“It is an example of smart power at its best — governments coming together around a common interest, and citizens, scientists, and institutions from different countries joined in scientific collaboration to advance peace and understanding.”

Clinton argued that the treaty “and its related instruments remain a key tool in our efforts to address an urgent threat of this time: climate change.”

A number of international scientific research stations have been established in Antarctica in part to help explore the probable causes and effects of global warming.

Twelve nations initially signed the Antarctic Treaty in 1959; 47 nations abide by it today.

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About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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