British Airways Pilot Kidnapped in Shocking South African Incident

British Airways Pilot Kidnapped in Shocking South African Incident
British Airways Pilot Kidnapped in Shocking South African Incident
Written by Binayak Karki

A source described the incident as “staggering” and highlighted the pilot’s vulnerability after falling for a scam disguised as a plea for help.

In a harrowing incident reminiscent of a movie plot, a British Airways pilot was kidnapped and reportedly tortured during a brief stopover in Johannesburg, South Africa.

The First Officer had walked out alone for shopping when he was targeted by a woman in a supermarket car park, seeking assistance with her bags. However, this seemingly innocent encounter took a dark turn as the pilot was abducted by a group of men, driven to a remote location, and subjected to hours of torture and physical assaults in a bid to extort money from him.

A source described the incident as “staggering” and highlighted the pilot’s vulnerability after falling for a scam disguised as a plea for help.

The horrifying ordeal concluded only when the perpetrators left the pilot penniless. The traumatized pilot was deemed unfit to fly back to London, necessitating the airline to secure a replacement.

British Airways confirmed the abduction, stating that the staff member was kidnapped outside a supermarket near the Melrose Arch complex. The airline is cooperating with local authorities in their investigation.

Kidnappings have been on the rise in South Africa, with police statistics revealing a more than threefold increase over the past decade, reaching nearly 15,342 cases in 2023. Johannesburg, situated in the Guateng province, has recorded over half of the reported kidnappings.

The surge is attributed to foreign syndicates shifting their operations to the country, coupled with local groups mimicking their methods for ransom or extortion.

The Global Initiative Against Transnational Organised Crime’s 2022 risk assessment for South Africa indicates a significant rise in kidnapping for ransom since 2016.

However, the majority of victims, predominantly low-income citizens, often do not report such crimes, leading to potential undercounting in official police figures, as noted by the UN-backed organization.

The incident has underscored the broader security concerns in the region, leaving both locals and international visitors on edge.

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About the author

Binayak Karki

Binayak - based in Kathmandu - is an editor and author writing for eTurboNews.

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