Improve air travel, TIA tells candidates

The Travel Industry Association (TIA) has called on presidential candidates to issue detailed plans of how they would improve air travel in the country.

The organization said it would lead a broader discussion on the need for reforms in the industry and is seeking cooperation from Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama.

The Travel Industry Association (TIA) has called on presidential candidates to issue detailed plans of how they would improve air travel in the country.

The organization said it would lead a broader discussion on the need for reforms in the industry and is seeking cooperation from Senators Clinton, McCain and Obama.

As well as issuing their plans by Memorial Day, the TIA has said the candidates should place an improved aviation infrastructure at the core of their campaigns.

Roger Dow, President and Chief Executive of the TIA, said: “With respect to efficiency, today’s air travel system is broken.

“We pledge to travelers that we will work with them to break the logjam in Washington and make meaningful reforms to the air travel process.”

He added: “Travelers are voters – and approximately two million take to the skies each day. They are looking for a candidate that champions the needs of travelers and promises to build a travel infrastructure that our country can be proud of.”


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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