Tourism HERO wish for the People of Zimbabwe, Mzembi Style

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Dr. Walter Mzembi, a World Tourism Network Hero is celebrating his 58th birthday today, March 16, 2022.

What is Dr. Mzembi doing currently?

Dr. Mzembi is currently the Chairman of the World Tourism Network Africa Chapter, and a VP for this global travel and tourism organization with members in 128 countries.

His birthday today was a reminder and a hint for Dr. Mzembi to pick up from when he left Zimbabwe in 2017.

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Nelson Chamisa, President CCC

This message is from Advocate Nelson Chamisa the President of the main Opposition CCC Zimbabwe Party and the man who has been locked in serious legitimacy battles with President Emmerson Mnangagwa since 2018 over a disputed Presidental election he won by 0.35%!

Happy Birthday Dr. Walter Mzembi, the best Minister of Tourism ever. Your contribution to the Ministry & Zimbabwe, in general, will never be forgotten. Thank you for UNWTO 2012 and many other achievements. You are an Icon in my gigantic book of facts

Another message posted to Twitter said:

Happy birthday Dr. Mzembi. I miss those days in the cabinet when we used to sit next to each other discussing how to best develop our great country. Your love for Zimbabwe is unparalleled. Remember our mantra. Loyal to God, loyal to our country, and loyal to people! More wisdom, more life!

Dr. Mzembi told eTurboNews: “My sister Elizabeth Baffour has just made me cry with this birthday message! I wasn’t gonna tweet about my birthday because you celebrated it prematurely 58 days ago, but yes today I am finally 58! To God be the Glory as I celebrate the greatest gift!

Mzembi has a message to the People of Zimbabwe:

You cannot rig upwards of 70 % ballots for any Candidate & please pay your Agents well such that they cannot be approached to exit manning points & stations at critical moments. Register to Vote fr 2023!

Who is Dr. Myembi?

Dr. Walter Mzembi (MP) has held various positions in both the public and
private sectors in Zimbabwe and internationally. In February 2009, he was
appointed to his current position of Zimbabwe’s Minister of Tourism and
Hospitality Industry.

He is a former member of the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO)
Executive Council and the UNWTO Regional Commission for Africa Chairperson, comprising 54 African countries and their respective tourism ministers.

Dr. Mzembi was elected to Parliament in 2004. He was subsequently appointed
Head of the Zimbabwe Delegation to the African-Caribbean and PacificEuropean Union (ACP-EU) Joint Parliamentary Assembly in Europe.

In 2007, he was appointed Deputy Minister of Water Resources and
Management. Dr. Mzembi has expertly championed tourism development in his
country, and advanced tourism policy at the African Union level for mainstreaming into the AU Agenda 2063.

Dr. Mzembi is a recipient of numerous national and international accolades and
awards, amongst them African Tourism Minister of the Year (2011), Public
Service Manager of the Year (2012, Zimbabwe Institute of Management), three
time President of the New York-based Africa Travel Association (ATA), and
International Board Member of the Berlin-based Institute of Cultural Diplomacy
(ICD). He is a sought after speaker at home and abroad, accredited by the
prestigious London Speakers Bureau.

Dr. Walter Mzembi (MP), was conferred with Honorary Academician to the
European Tourism Academy by the European Council on Tourism and Trade-in
2013, a recognition that demonstrates his expertise, innovation, and creativity
in transforming tourism for sustainable growth and development.

Dr. Mzembi has a passion for tourism and biodiversity conservation management. He has contributed to the discourse regionally and internationally on the subject of “Tourism and Biodiversity: Zero Tolerance to Poaching in Africa by 2020” that led the UNWTO to commission a study on “Towards Measuring the Economic Value of Wildlife Watching Tourism in Africa”, a document available online.

Dr. Mzembi is a Registered Professional Engineer with the Engineering Council
of Zimbabwe, a Fellow of the Zimbabwe Institute of Engineers, and a Member of
the Engineering Institute of Zambia. Apart from his engineering qualifications,
he holds a Bachelor of Business Studies degree, Master of Business
Administration and he is a recipient of field research-based doctoral degree
entitled “An Exploratory Study of Conservation Management in Zimbabwe:
A Governance Perspective” that he attained in 2015 from Aldersgate College,
The Philippines.

Dr. Mzembi oversaw the successful co-hosting of the 20th Session of the United
Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) General Assembly in Victoria
Falls in 2013 by Zimbabwe and Zambia, the third time in the history of UNWTO
General Assemblies that this has happened on the African soil after Egypt and
Senegal held them in 1995 and 2005 respectively.

In his bit for UNWTO Secretary-General in 2017, Mzembi was endorsed by the Southern African Development Community and the Assembly of African Union Heads of State and Government as Africa’s candidate for the same position.

Dr. Mzembi is a dynamic global tourism leader whose transformational agenda proves that Africa is providing its best into the international tourism civil service. True to
his character and competence, he is “Africa’s Man for the World” who is ready
to serve the world at the highest level of the global tourism body, the UNWTO.

In a domestic power struggle in Zimbabwe and when the Mugabe government was overturned, Dr. Mzembi fled his country and is currently in exile. He is full of love for Zimbabwe and has been spreading his passion for a better future for his beloved country.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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