Hawaii worst state in the US for pet-friendly accommodations

Hawaii worst state in the US for pet-friendly accommodations
Hawaii worst state in the US for pet-friendly accommodations
Written by Harry Johnson

The number of pet-friendly properties available can vary quite dramatically from place to place, making some parts of the country much more accessible to pet owners than others.

  • Number of pet-friendly properties vary dramatically from state to state.
  • Illinois, Mississippi and New York are the most pet-friendly states.
  • Hawaii, Alaska and West Virginia are the least pet-friendly US states.

67% of US households (around 85 million families) own a pet, and 43 million houses are occupied by renters. So, what if you need to relocate with your furry friend?

The number of pet-friendly properties available can vary quite dramatically from place to place, making some parts of the country much more accessible to pet owners than others.

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Hawaii worst state in the US for pet-friendly accommodations

With this in mind, travel experts wanted to find out which states, towns and cities have the largest proportion of homes available to rent that also accept pets.

Looking at the top fifty most populated US cities, the experts recorded the proportion of properties available to rent that also accept pets. Additionally, we’ve found out the percentage of available rents in each state that will accept a tenant with pets, revealing the best places in the country for pet owners to live.

Illinois is the best state in the country for pet owners who are looking to rent, with 59.87% of properties accepting pets. So if you’re a pet owner looking to move to a new part of the country, Illinois might be a good bet for you!

The second-best state for renting with pets is Mississippi, with 52.28% of lets being available to pet owners. This makes Mississippi the most pet-friendly of all the Southern states, and a great place for pet owners to live.

New York is the third best state in the country for pet-friendly renting, with 47.89% of properties allowing tenants to bring their pets. This high percentage makes New York the best state on the East coast for living with your pets.

Top 10 Best States for Pet-Friendly Rentals

RankStatePet Friendly LetsTotal Lets% Pet Friendly
3New York63201319647.89%
5North Carolina1765391745.06%


  • Additionally, we've found out the percentage of available rents in each state that will accept a tenant with pets, revealing the best places in the country for pet owners to live.
  • So if you're a pet owner looking to move to a new part of the country, Illinois might be a good bet for you.
  • Illinois is the best state in the country for pet owners who are looking to rent, with 59.


About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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