3 more COVID-19 cases confirmed in New Zealand

3 more COVID-19 cases confirmed in New Zealand
3 more COVID-19 cases confirmed in New Zealand
Written by Harry Johnson

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said genome sequencing results confirmed that it is the Delta variant that is linked to genome sequencing of cases in Australia’s New South Wales outbreak.

  • NZ community cases of COVID-19 up to 10.
  • Rise in number of community cases resulted in second nationwide lockdown.
  • A fully-vaccinated Auckland nurse is one of people who tested positive for COVID-19.

The total number of New Zealand’s community cases of coronavirus rose to 10 on Wednesday, after three more Delta cases of COVID-19 were confirmed today. New cases include a fully-vaccinated nurse from an Auckland hospital.

Nine of these cases have been linked to other community cases that resulted in the country’s second national top level lockdown starting Tuesday midnight. The remaining case has been linked to the border, according to the Ministry of Health.

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3 more COVID-19 cases confirmed in New Zealand

The three new cases, who are all in Auckland, are a man in his 20s who is the partner of a known case, a woman in her 60s who has a connection to the border, and a woman in her 20s who has a connection with another case reported earlier on Wednesday.

Additional locations of interest identified have been added to the health ministry’s website, including casino, Avondale College, several Auckland supermarkets, bars and cafes, which will be updated progressively as further locations of interest are identified.

Under the Alert Level 4 lockdown, businesses and schools are closed except for essential ones such as supermarkets and service stations.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern said genome sequencing results confirmed that it is the Delta variant that is linked to genome sequencing of cases in Australia’s New South Wales outbreak.

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About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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