Eswatini caught between Taiwan and China means great danger

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When a peaceful kingdom in Africa is getting tense there is most likely a wider reason. In the Kingdom of Eswatini may be the China Taiwan conflict. China wants a new government in Eswatini – and now may be the time for this communist giant to do the magic.

  1. The currently calm situation in Eswatini’s capital city Mbabane with shops closed and empty streets may be the silence before a perfect storm.
  2. According to sources external forces bringing in ammunition to the Eswatini Capital.
  3. Besides young protesters wanting to get more influence over the country, there may be a major power working the situation in the background. This power may be the Peoples’ Republic of China.

Walter Mzembi, a former foreign minister for Zimbabwe and familiar with geopolitics in Africa thinks, China has many reasons to see the Eswatini King gone.

It’s not a coincidence that the United States is building one of the largest embassies in the world in this small country Eswatini. The reason definitely includes Taiwan and China.

The bigger question may be China and the desire by this world power to minimize the influence of its runaway province Taiwan, which is also known as the Republic of China.

A new government in Eswatini will most certainly switch from recognizing the People’s Republic of China over the Republic of China, known as Taiwan. China would love this – and it’s important to this communist superpower. Eswatini is the only African Country having diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

Therefore it may not be a coincidence that the Communist Party of Eswatini today confirmed that His Majesty, King Mswati III has fled his country and said he was reportedly in Johannesburg, South Africa. The acting prime minister of the Kingdom denies this.

The King allegedly left amid pro-democracy protests sweeping the kingdom of 1.16 million people in the last few days.

Eswatini is a member of the United Nations, the Commonwealth of Nations, the African Union, the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa, and the Botswana-based Southern African Development Community

The Peoples Republic of China is known to have great influence over SADC. Some say the Southern African Development Community has lost on importance, irritating China.

For the Chinese government, the advantages of engaging with Africa are clear. China has used its investment in Africa to gain access to the continent’s vast commodity resources, including oil, precious metals, and minerals crucial to the production of emerging technologies such as electric vehicle batteries.

Africa also represents an attractive market for China’s construction firms, which face excess capacity at home and are eager to find new outlets.

However, many times the benefits of these projects do not flow to the broader African workforce. China’s funding of Africa’s infrastructure projects also often comes with requirements that borrower countries select Chinese suppliers, making it more difficult for other countries, including the United States, to participate in Africa’s infrastructure projects.

Beijing has also been able to leverage its engagement in Africa into support on the
international stage. For instance, China has used its presence in Africa to isolate Taiwan diplomatically. All African nations, with the exception of Eswatini, have recognized Beijing over Taipei. African leaders have also expressed support for Beijing’s territorial claims in the South China Sea and made public statements in support of Beijing during the 2019 protests in Hong Kong.

The consequences for Africa are mixed. While Africa has an immense need for
infrastructure that remains unmet, the projects that China funds are often selected through opaque means, exacerbating corruption problems. Moreover, China’s funding comes at a price, contributing to an unsustainable buildup of debt in many African countries.

These lending practices have led to accusations of new colonialism, and in the wake of the economic slowdowns caused by the COVID-19 outbreak, African countries have increasingly called for debt relief.

China has so far been silent to those requests, raising the question of whether the
the United States and other international donors will be left footing the bill.

While China has publicized its humanitarian public health efforts in Africa during the
COVID-19 pandemic, many Africans are skeptical and have expressed concern that the equipment donated by China may be of poor quality.

The Kingdom of Eswatini is one of the 15 countries that recognize the Republic of China, also known as Taiwan  It is the only country in Africa that does not have diplomatic relations with the People’s Republic of China.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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