Seychelles Tourism Board review

Reviewing what has been achieved sees Tourism Minister meeting staff of the island’s Tourism Board by sections.

Reviewing what has been achieved sees Tourism Minister meeting staff of the island’s Tourism Board by sections.

As the end of the year is fast approaching, Minister Alain St.Ange, the Minister responsible for Tourism and Culture, has started a series of staff meetings with the aim of reviewing what has been achieved and to discuss challenges as well as pave the way for starting the year 2016 with a fresh eye.

This week, Minister St.Ange accompanied by his PS for Tourism Anne Lafortune, Deputy CEO of the Tourism Board Nathalie Didon, and the Director of Administration Jenifer Sinon, met with management and staff responsible for the island’s Tourist Information Offices on Mahe. “This is an opportunity for us to analyze what we have done to date, look at our challenges, and this must include our shortfalls, so that we are better able to plan ahead for the industry that remains the pillar of our country’s economy,” said Minister St.Ange as he opened the first meeting of this series.

Also present at this staff meeting that was held at the Offices of the Ministry of Tourism and Culture at ESPACE Building was Ivans Barbier, the person responsible for logistics at the Tourism Board.

Minister St.Ange said that this series of meeting is a direct way for him and the ministry senior staff to keep in contact and in touch with the staff. “Today we saw a first group in this series of staff members. Between now and December when we shall have our end-of-year general staff meeting, we shall be meeting with all our staff by departments. As the year is coming to an end, we know that through this series of meeting we are doing justice to our ministry, as this is one of the only ways for us to remain connected with those who make our ministry work,” said Minister St.Ange, who thanked the Tourist Information staff of Mahe for their frankness and positive frame of mind.

“We heard many positive suggestions and also were update on operational shortfalls we need to immediately action on,” the Minister said.

Seychelles is a founding member of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP) . For more information on Seychelles Minister of Tourism and Culture Alain St.Ange, click here.

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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