Vision Airlines sells 12,000 tickets in 120 Hours

SUWANEE, Ga. – Vision Airlines, the nation’s newest big jet, low-cost carrier reports it sold more than 12,000 tickets during its first 120 hours of e-commerce operations at

SUWANEE, Ga. – Vision Airlines, the nation’s newest big jet, low-cost carrier reports it sold more than 12,000 tickets during its first 120 hours of e-commerce operations at

On Tuesday, January 18, Vision Airlines unveiled its 23 city mega-expansion plan and its $49* introductory fare sale for its first flights to Florida, which are scheduled to take-off on March 25.

Vision Airlines says within 48 hours it sold-out of all $49 seats. Now, in response to immense customer demand, the airline is adding more $49 seats on every flight to Florida. The airline is also extending its introductory $49 fare sale, which was slated to end on Sunday but is now continuing through January 31, 2011.

Vision Airlines’ chief operating officer David Meers says, “We received hundreds of calls from disappointed customers who did not understand that only a limited number of specially-priced $49 seats were available on each flight.”

Meers adds, “At this juncture, Vision Airlines believes it is more important to satisfy first-time customers rather than turn them away because they missed-out on a fare sale. So, we put more $49 seats in our system.”

Meers emphasizes, “Our first goal is to get passengers on Vision Airlines’ jets so they can experience our fast, friendly and efficient service. After their first flight we are confident that we will earn passenger’s repeat business.”

“Running out of $49 seats was not the only glitch during our first week of operations,” says Vision Airlines’ spokesman Bryan Glazer.

“Once the morning TV and radio newscasts reported our story; once people read their local morning newspapers; once the headlines hit the internet we were overwhelmed by interested customers,” says Glazer. “Vision Airlines website has recorded upward of 50,000 hits to date. And, on the first day of operations the website crashed several times and our reservations center was unable to handle the flood of customer phone calls.”

Vision Airlines’ Sales and Marketing Director Clay Meek says, “To remedy these technical problems, Vision Airlines has increased its web server capacity and added more customer call center representatives.”

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Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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