The New President of Zambia, Hichilema, loves Tourism: African Tourism Board is ready to engage

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Zambia President Hichilema

When the World and Africa talks about Zambia they talk about Tourism and Copper.
Today Hakainde Hichilema was confirmed President of Zambia – and with this Tourism Zambia wins.
The African Tourism Board saw this and was quick to acknowledge.

  • 3 days ago eTurboNews predicted Hakainde Hichilema to become the new president of Zambia. This is now officially confirmed.
  • The electoral commission awarded Hichilema 2,810,777 cotes against his opponent Lungu who received 1,814,201- with all but one of the 156 constituencies counted. Therefore the commission chairman Esau Chuly decleared Hichilema to be the new President of the Republic of Zambia
  • One of the first international officials congratulating President Hichilema was the African Tourism Board Chairman Cuthbert Ncube. He knows how much tourism means to the newly elected President Hichilema

The newly elected President of Zambia is also a man of tourism. A year ago he talked on his Facebook about Zambia’s abundance of tourist attractions including Victoria Falls, Lumangwe, and other magnificent waterfalls in the Northern Circut, not forgetting Ntumbachushi, Kamabo and Kudalila.
He went on to talk about the largest mammal migration in the world that can be found in Zambia. Prehistoric rock art and cave paintings in most of our provinces with the famous Nachikufu in Muchinga.

The Chirundu Fossil forest dating back to 150 million years ago, is the source of Zambezi in Mwinlunga, 750 bird species, and countless other wildlife species.

The new president said the list of tourist attractions is endless. He explains that Zambia attracts 900,000 tourists a year just for Victoria Falls alone.

He said we did not place tourism at the top of the bracket, but we need to do it now. When he said this, it was just before COVID. His plan was to increase tourists to 2.5 million with a minimum revenue potential of $1.9 billion. Once this world gets COVID-19 behind this new president may continue this plan as the leader of Zambia.

Hearing this, it’s not surprising that one of the first congratulating the president-elect is Cuthbert Ncube, Chairman of the African Tourism Board (ATB)

The African Tourism Board congratulates His Excellency President Hakainde S Hichilema for being elected as the 7th President of the Republic of Zambia.

We cherish and honor our close relationship with this jewel of Africa within the Tourism framework.

Zambia is the largest producer of copper in the world and one of the Wonders of the World is a tourist attraction in Zambia, The Mosi-wa-Tunya.

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Cuthbert Ncube, ATB Chairman

The African Tourism Board (ATB) will support and cement the relationship with this giant nation as we reshape and rebrand the African Continent as a desired destination of choice to Africa and the World.

Victoria Falls is the World’s greatest blanket of falling waters and significant to the world for its exceptional geological and geomorphological features with breathtaking views and active land formation combined with outstanding beauty attributed of the Falls, the spray the mists, and rainbow.

Congratulations my President. It’s my hope that when you are sworn in, you will spearhead the separation of powers. More than anything, Zambia needs continuity of policy beyond regimes and only an independent judiciary can guarantee that. This was one out of many messages posted to social media like Twitter. This message was posted by Zikomo Kwambili.

Another message posted says:

Congratulations President Hichilema and to the Zambian people who voted beyond the tribal boundaries showing Zambia is still ONE NATION

That would make the third time that power has shifted peacefully from a ruling party to the opposition since the southern African country’s independence from Britain in 1964.

Across Zambia, celebrations broke out in the streets as Hichilema’s supporters wearing the red and yellow of his United Party for National Development (UPND) danced and sang, while drivers honked their horns.

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Hichilema, 59, a former CEO at an accounting firm before entering politics, now faces the task of trying to revive Zambia’s fortunes. The economy has been buoyed only slightly by more favorable copper prices – now hovering around decade highs, driven partly by the boom in electric cars.

Last year, Zambia, Africa’s second-biggest copper miner, produced a record output.

Lungu, 64, has yet to concede. He has indicated that he might challenge the result, which will be difficult, given the margin.

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About the author

Juergen T Steinmetz

Juergen Thomas Steinmetz has continuously worked in the travel and tourism industry since he was a teenager in Germany (1977).
He founded eTurboNews in 1999 as the first online newsletter for the global travel tourism industry.

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