Nicaraguan hostel saving sea turtles on an unprotected and remote beach


Surfing Turtle Lodge on Isla Los Brasiles, Nicaragua, is ready for a new sea turtle nesting season, which starts September and ends February. The Lodge’s conservation project goes back to 2009 and with a large new turtle, it is set to release more baby sea turtles than in any previous year.

Coming off the heels of last year’s record-breaking release of more than 5,500 baby sea turtles, Surfing Turtle Lodge has built a new hatchery to release even more turtles. With a capacity of more than 278 nests and a potential of more than 27,000 eggs per cycle, Surfing Turtle Lodge is set to protect and release an unprecedented number of sea turtles on Isla Los Brasiles, Nicaragua. When the baby turtles are born, they are released with the help of guests and volunteers at the best possible time to make sure they all crawl safely into the ocean. The Lodge’s turtle conservation initiative is entirely funded by guest donations and profits from the Lodge.

Damian Romero, Surfing Turtle Lodge’s first resident marine biologist said, “The Lodge plays a very important role in the area. Since arriving here, I have seen how many poachers roam the beaches and if it wasn’t for Surfing Turtle, the world would be losing a very severe number of sea turtles.” With his help, the hatchery is set to have an even bigger and more positive impact on the island and the global sea turtle population.

As the first privately funded turtle conservation project in the area, Surfing Turtle Lodge has released tens of thousands of turtles over the years. Although the Lodge is happy and proud of the early role it played in the area, it continues to set an example and be in the forefront of this conservation project and other sustainable tourism initiatives.

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