Abandoned piece of luggage triggers Frankfurt Airport evacuation

Abandoned piece of luggage triggers Frankfurt Airport evacuation
Abandoned piece of luggage triggers Frankfurt Airport evacuation
Written by Harry Johnson

Parts of Frankfurt Airport evacuated due to possible bomb or gun threat

Several areas of Frankfurt Airport were closed on Saturday evening, as the airport’s police launched an “operation,” apparently triggered by an unattended piece of luggage, leading to speculations of a bomb or gun threat.

Frankfurt Airport’s Terminal 1, along with its attached regional train station were evacuated and closed off to the public as police conducted the area search.

State and federal police were involved in the operation, and the airport police wrote on Twitter that one piece of abandoned luggage had been investigated and found to be safe.

Little else is known about the operation, and as crowds left the airport, rumors of a bomb or gun threat did the rounds on social media.

One video which quickly circulated online appears to show a police officer pointing a gun at somebody lying on the ground inside the terminal. Airport authorities cautioned against speculation, however, and urged the public not to share videos of the incident.

Police warned passengers to follow the instructions of airport security, while airport authorities warned travelers of potential delays.

In a tweet posted at 7pm GMT, airport police said the operation hadended and blocked off areas were gradually being reopened.

Frankfurt Airport is the fourth busiest in Europe by passenger numbers, and the busiest by cargo traffic. A bombing at the airport in 1985 killed three people and injured more than 70, with investigators pinning the blame on Palestinian terrorists.

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About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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