US Travel Association issues statement on Senate passage of FAA bill

WASHINGTON, DC – US Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow issued the following statement on passage of the US Senate’s FAA reauthorization bill (S 2658):

WASHINGTON, DC – US Travel Association President and CEO Roger Dow issued the following statement on passage of the US Senate’s FAA reauthorization bill (S 2658):

“The US travel community thanks and congratulates the Senate for passing an FAA bill that includes many sensible provisions for improving air travel. As we’ve said before, the guiding principles for any aviation reform measure should be that it is pro-competition, pro-growth and pro-traveler. This bill takes steps in that direction, though we still have work to do to achieve many of the substantial reforms that America’s aviation system needs.”

“The U.S. travel community commends Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.) and Sen. Bill Nelson (D-Fla.) for their leadership on ushering this legislation through the Senate, and hopes that the House will quickly take up this bill.”


Airline antitrust review. “We are grateful that the bill directs GAO to review alliances among air carriers that are currently immune from antitrust prosecution, and the potential impact of such agreements on airfares and airline competition. Increasing competition in the aviation marketplace is critical to improving the flying experience for all travelers to and within the U.S.”

PreCheck Expansion. “In addition, we strongly support the inclusion of the TSA PreCheck Expansion Act. Expanding TSA PreCheck is a smart security move that will give approved travelers the efficient, 21st-century screening process they deserve. Opening opportunities for the private sector to partner with TSA on promoting and expanding this valuable program is simply a win-win.”

No biometrics amendment. “We are also pleased that the Senate chose not to approve an amendment which would have set an arbitrary deadline for implementing biometric exit mandates, and blocked airports from receiving critical funding for security. Security must come first, and this amendment would have been a costly setback to the Department of Homeland Security’s existing work to implement an efficient biometric exit system for processing travelers departing the U.S.”


No PFC adjustment. “Despite many positive provisions in this legislation, we remain disappointed that a long-overdue adjustment to the Passenger Facility Charge (PFC) cap was left out of the Senate’s final bill. Allowing airports the ability to modestly increase the cap on the PFC for the first time since 2000 would pave the way for much-needed infrastructure improvements at our airports that ultimately benefit flyers.”


About the author

Linda Hohnholz

Editor in chief for eTurboNews based in the eTN HQ.

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