Basically we are asking, will you come back kind of hungry or will your trip be one long and luxurious extended cheat day?
Or is there a way to find (or do you care about) balance?
Staying on Track for When You Get Back
Eating well while you are o vacation means you will likely keep energy levels up which will make the most of holiday activities and leave you feeling good throughout your trip as well as when you return home.
Sticking to a normal healthful eating routine will mean avoiding the guilt after the vacation and stepping on that little square scale. No need to put your hands over your eyes and peek at the numbers, because any discomfort both physically and mentally from overindulging will not even factor in.
Keeping booking those holidays, because if you maintain your routine, diet, and fitness regimen, then planning your next vacation will be of no personal consequence because you’ll be confident you can maintain your progress.
Let Them Eat Cake!
On the other hand, isn’t a vacation meant to be a step outside the normality of everyday life? A time to indulge and do and eat the things we’ve only daydreamed about?
Going to a new place means new local cuisine and specialties. Should one avoid those deep-fried Oreos and specialty pasta dishes just because they’re not what we usually consume? Or is this the perfect confined specified time to let loose and sample those carby, oily, sweet munchables just for the next week or so?
Philosophically speaking, if you’re watching what you eat so you can avoid what may happen in the future, doesn’t that mean you’re not truly enjoying the moment and living in the now? And isn’t that really all we truly have? Right now… said the triple layer chocolate cake to the deep-fried oysters.
Driving Down the Middle of the Road
Or can you have it all? Indulgence with a side of moderation. That slice of pie with a walk around the hotel? A plate of decadent breakfast treats followed by a day of walking and sightseeing and a light dinner by the pool.
If overindulging means you feel so horrible you can’t do the things you had planned on doing, then what is the point of planning the vacation in the first place?
Ultimately, a vacation is about enjoying oneself. Whether that means sticking to healthy options, indulging in some treats, or literally going whole hog, the traveler should choose what makes them the happiest and feel best and satisfied.
So what will you choose? I’ll be good, or I’m going to be naughty, or something in between?