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Travel to Port Canaveral for Artemis launch

Port Canaveral image courtesy of NASA | eTurboNews | eTN
Port Canaveral - image courtesy of NASA

If you are traveling to Port Canaveral to take in the launch of Artemis, parking will be highly limited, so visitors should plan ahead.

Port Canaveral today released its plan for access to the Port during the launch of NASA’s Artemis 1 from Launch Complex 39B at the Kennedy Space Center north of the Port. The launch is currently scheduled for Monday, August 29th with a two-hour launch window opening at 8:33 a.m. and lasting through 10:33 a.m.

Visitors hoping to watch the launch from Port Canaveral are advised that parking at the Port on launch day will be highly limited.

Cruise guests, vendors and employees heading to the Port for any ship sailings that day should plan for extra driving time with higher-than-normal traffic volumes expected on all roadways in and around Port Canaveral.


•             Port Canaveral is open.

•             Jetty Park opens at 5:00 AM and will remain open until capacity is reached.

•             Parking at The Cove is for business patrons only.  Lots will remain open until capacity is reached.

•             All cruise terminal parking garages and surface lots are reserved for cruise passengers’ parking only.

•             No parking /viewing alongside SR 401 or George King Boulevard.

•             SR 401 bridge will not open for vessel transits from 7:30 AM until 12 Noon.

•             No drone photography will be permitted from the Port without prior approval of CPA’s Public Safety and Security Department.

Port Canaveral Port Overview Map | eTurboNews | eTN

Electronic signs on State Road 528 and A1A and on Port Canaveral roadways and intersections will advise motorists of road restrictions, as well as when parking capacity has been reached at designated parking areas.  Brevard County Sheriff’s Office (BCSO) deputies will monitor traffic, control key traffic intersections, and enforce parking on and around the Port.

Space Coast Launch Outbound Traffic Flow | eTurboNews | eTN

BCSO deputies will be patrolling the Port to enforce parking restrictions. The BCSO Marine Units will patrol the Port waterways.

Canaveral Fire Rescue will have EMT’s roving Port-wide to assist and treat where needed. 

Brevard Emergency Operations Center (EOC) will monitor county traffic and will be sharing the Port traffic plans.


•             Parking is limited to electronic passholders. Parking passes must be purchased in advance. No cash or credit card transactions are allowed at the entrance booth.

•             Lot will close when 100% vehicle capacity is reached.

•             Walk-ins or bicyclists will be allowed to enter the park until capacity is reached.

•             After the launch vehicles departing Jetty Park will be directed by BCSO deputies onto Shorewood Drive towards N. Atlantic Blvd.


•             Freddie Patrick Boat Ramps and Rodney S. Ketcham Park Boat Ramps vehicle and trailer parking will be open and available to boaters on a first-come, first-served basis until capacity is reached.

•             Boat Ramps parking lots are exclusively for boater vehicles and trailers using boat ramps.


•             Parking lots in the Cove dining district (see parking map) are for the exclusive use of Cove merchant patrons.

•             Lots will close when maximum vehicle capacity is reached.

•             A private invitation only viewing event is being held for 3,000 guests outdoors on the lawn of the Exploration Tower. Parking for the event will be controlled by the event organizer; no public parking will be available in the area.


•             Exploration Tower and parking lot are closed for construction.

•             All cruise terminal parking garages and nearby surface lots are open for cruise guest parking only.

•             No parking allowed on George King Boulevard, SR 401, or any Port roadways.

•             No parking on unpaved lots or grassy surface areas.

•             NO parking allowed on State Road 528 median – entire length.

•             SR 401 will be open to vehicle traffic heading to the Port’s northside cruise terminals and cargo operations and Cape Canaveral Air Force Station checkpoints.  

•             The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) Road Rangers will be patrolling I95 and SR 528 to assist motorists with vehicle breakdowns and accident support.

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