India is renowned for its extensive cultural heritage and an aura of mystique, attracting tourists eager to immerse themselves in this experience. However, despite the growing presence of the Asian market, India’s overall contribution to global tourist arrivals remains relatively modest at 0.8%. This is noteworthy, especially considering the significant recovery in international arrivals to India since 2002, when a previous downward trend was effectively reversed.
According to the Minister of Tourism and Culture of India Gajendra Singh Shekhawat, who was speaking at the international economic forum World Leaders Forum, India plans to significantly strengthen its position in the world tourism sector, aiming to enter the top 10 most popular tourist destinations in the next five years.
The minister also confirmed that the country is already taking steps to raise its status in the global tourism market.
India currently ranks 39th among 119 countries in terms of popularity among tourists, but the government is confident that the country will rise significantly higher in the coming years. Shekhawat noted that tourism contributes about 10.4% to the global economy, while in India this figure currently reaches only 7.9%. However, the minister expressed confidence that India will surpass the global average, bringing this figure to 10% and above.
Particular attention will be paid to the development of tourist routes to those regions that were previously not very popular among foreign guests. Currently, the vast majority of tourists visit only 9 of the 28 states of India, as well as the national district of Delhi, which account for 65% of all visits. However, in recent years, interest in lesser-known regions of India has begun to grow, which the minister sees as a positive trend for the further development of the industry.
In addition, Shekhawat noted a significant increase in interest in Indian culture and cuisine. According to the minister, since 2019, the number of online queries related to these topics has increased by 48%. This indicates a growing international interest in India as a tourist destination.