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History, Heritage and the Outlook for Thailand Tourism

Thailand Tourism
Written by Imtiaz Muqbil

Presented for the first time, an unmatched series of lectures on the History and Heritage of Thailand, The Greatest Story in Global Tourism history.

The author of this explosive story speaks out of experience and concern for his home country, explaining the History, Heritage, and Future outlook for travel and tourism in the Kingdom of Thailand.

2025 is the year the Tourism Authority of Thailand and Thai Airways International will turn 65.

  • Vietnam will mark the 50th anniversary of the end of the war.
  • The UN Sustainable Development Goals will have only four years before the target date.
  • Donald Trump will again become President of the United States. Competition for the tourism dollar will soar. So will global geopolitical instability, conflict, and insecurity.

The second quarter of the 21st century looks even more dangerous than the first.

Travel & Tourism will become the bedrock of Thailand’s national security. I repeat: National Security.

If another external shock strikes, tourism will be in deep trouble, as will Thailand.

Making Travel & Tourism function as a national security safety net will require a new mindset.

  • Vaccinating it against risks and threats will become an overarching priority.
  • The main job of tourism leaders is no longer to create jobs.
  • But to save them.

The old Thai tourism business model will be invalid and irrelevant.

  • A complete overhaul is needed based on the new economic, political, social, cultural, demographic, commercial, technological, and environmental realities.
  • We will need an “enlightened” leadership, not just old-school technocrats, bureaucrats, and CEOs.
  • Studying the successes and failures of our rich tourism history and heritage is the best place to start.


  • In 2019, Thai Travel & Tourism rose to great heights.
  • Visionary leaders launched eye-catching marketing campaigns, created superb products ….
  • But they also made multiple mistakes.

Environmental degradation, sociocultural disparities, land grabs, sewage dumping, crime, sex tourism.

Since 1981, I covered them both.

  • They comprise a learning curve par excellence to forge a new Thai, ASEAN, Asia Pacific, and global tourism future.
  • The insightful stories provide a balanced perspective.
  • Neither optimistic nor pessimistic … but realistic.
  • They are designed to educate, enlighten, and inspire decision-makers.
  • And build a better future for our children and grandchildren.
  • You can find more details about the topics and past lectures here.
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