Guam Medical Association Provides Clinics Listing for Stranded Visitors

Guam Medical Association Provides Clinics Listing for Stranded Visitors
Written by Harry Johnson

Guam Medical Association will do their very best to serve island residents and the stranded tourist population.

The Guam Visitors Bureau (GVB) has requested the assistance of the Guam Medical Association (GMA) to provide an available list of medical providers who can assist with stranded visitors impacted by Typhoon Mawar.

In a letter, GVB President & CEO Carl T.C. Gutierrez reached out to GMA President Dr. Thomas Shieh on the urgent need of these visitors who are in need of medical attention.

“Our trajectory of 70% pre-COVID recovery has just been derailed by Typhoon Marwa. Along with this impact is the consequence to our tourists who have spent money to come and enjoy our destination,” stated President & CEO Gutierrez. “Can you assist GVB in facilitating access to, and medical service from, the list of clinics that the Guam Medical Association has identified?”

In response, Dr. Shieh promptly wrote back to President Gutierrez with the requested list and stated that GMA will do their very best to serve island residents and the stranded tourist population.

“Your organization’s strong effort in promoting Guam is evident through post Covid and appreciate your concerns for the health and safety for the stranded tourists,” stated Dr. Shieh. “On behalf of our members, we will assist. Here is the current short listing of clinics who can help with urgent healthcare needs of tourists. Some will have limited access, but others will have open access with no appointments to their urgent care.”

The following clinics below can provide immediate assistance to visitors:

American Medical Clinic – (671) 647-8262
Seventh Day Adventist Clinic (671) 646-8881
Guam Medical Care (671) 647-4174
Guam Radiology Center (671) 649-1001
Dr. Shieh’s Clinic & Associates (671) 648-2229
One Love Pediatrics – (671) 588-1588
MPG Pediatrics – (671) 648-5437
Lombard Medical – (671) 989-4747
The Neurology Clinic – (671) 646-6463
FHP Medical Clinic (671) 646-5825

“We want to thank Dr. Shieh and the GMA team for rising to the occasion and extending destination hospitality to our guests. We will continue to work with tourism partners as we move forward with post storm recovery efforts,” added Gutierrez.


Dr. Thomas Shieh
Guam Medical Association
via email address: do*********@ya***.com

Håfa Adai Dr Shieh:

Thank you for taking my call about an urgent matter. Our trajectory of 70% pre-COVID recovery has just been derailed by Typhoon Marwa. Along with this impact is the consequence to our tourists who have spent money to come and enjoy our destination.
Unfortunately, some of our stranded tourists are in need of medical attention, and the reason for my two-fold request:

1) In your capacity as President of the Guam Medical Association, can you provide GVB with a list of private clinics willing to assist stranded tourists who may be in need of medical attention?

2) Can you assist GVB in facilitating access to, and medical service from, the list of clinics that the Guam Medical Association has identified?

If this can be done today, GVB Vice President Gerry Perez and I will disseminate this information to the island’s tourism distribution and communications structure once we receive your confirmed list of Clinics.

Thank you very much for your generous assistance, as we work our way through yet another setback in our post COVID recovery progress.

Carl T.C. Gutierrez
President and CEO


May 27, 2023
Carl T.C. Gutierrez
President and CEO, Guam Visitors Bureau

Via email

Hafa Adai President and Governor Gutierrez:

I am in receipt of your letter of urgency calling for healthcare support during this Typhoon Mawar aftermath. Your organization’s strong effort in promoting Guam is evident through post Covid and appreciate your concerns for the health and safety for the stranded tourists.

On behalf of our members, we will assist. Here is the current short listing of clinics who can help with urgent healthcare needs of tourists. Some will have limited access, but others will have open access with no appointments to their urgent care. Should there be access questions or coordination, our Executive Director Mrs. Pram Sullivan can assist (671) 483-6600.

American Medical Clinic – (671) 647-8262
Seventh Day Adventist Clinic (671) 646-8881
Guam Medical Care (671) 647-4174
Guam Radiology Center (671) 649-1001
Dr. Shieh’s Clinic & Associates (671) 648-2229
One Love Pediatrics – (671) 588-1588
MPG Pediatrics – (671) 648-5437
Lombard Medical – (671) 989-4747
The Neurology Clinic – (671) 646-6463
FHP Medical Clinic (671) 646-5825

We will continue to update this listing. Please be aware that conditions may change, many of our clinics are on generator power and water reserve tanks. If we don’t have a delivery of diesel and water, we will have to close. That said, we will do our very best to serve our residents and our stranded tourist population.

Thank you for your strong advocacy to keep Guam’s tourism growing!

Thomas Shieh, MD, FACOG
President, Guam Medical Association

About the author

Harry Johnson

Harry Johnson has been the assignment editor for eTurboNews for mroe than 20 years. He lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, and is originally from Europe. He enjoys writing and covering the news.

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