African Tourism Board Chairman Cuthbert Ncube and founding Chair of ATB. Juergen Steinmetz met at the recently concluded World Travel Market in London and proudly announced their plans to open the African Tourism, Marketing, and Representation Office in the United States.
This plan is now a reality, with ATB opening its PR, Marketing, and Representation office in Dallas, Texas. African Tourism Marketing is looking for knowledgeable professionals in the United States to work with ATB to ensure the success of this representation.
Hosted by the World Tourism Network in cooperation with eTurboNews, the 7-year-old African Tourism Board is now center stage in the United States to market, represent, and provide effective PR for African Tourism stakeholders and their destinations.
With ATB’s partner, the World Tourism Network, a special focus is given to small and medium-sized businesses in Africa, so it becomes more than affordable for them to play a key role in benefiting from this outreach to American travelers.
National, regional, or City/Park tourism boards, African diplomatic representations, and associations or news entities are invited to collaborate with stakeholders such as hotels, safari operators, tour operators, and anyone interested in hosting American visitors in their region.
ATB USA wants to be a reliable source for future visitors, trade, and the media to connect with African partners and generate leads for tourism, investments, and publicity.
Any stakeholder or promoter of African travel, tourism, and cultural projects can join ATB and become certified as a trusted partner. The cost is a one-time $250.00.
Once a company or destination is a trusted partner, the African Tourism Board will be ready to provide outreach, visibility, leads, PR representation, crisis communication, trade show representation, road shows, educational events, and investment opportunities based on a cost-sharing concept. The African Tourism Board makes participation affordable for any size company and destination, with monthly contributions between $250 and $6000.00 depending on goals, frequency, budget, company, and destination size.
Contact ATB at
Cuthbert Ncube said he was excited that the African Tourism Board, after establishing partnerships with the African Union and so many tourism boards and governments, had found a way for all of them and their private stakeholders (large or small) to participate in this invitation to Americans to travel to Africa.
Juergen Steinmetz responded: “We’re equally excited to work with our African partners and friends to make Africa the destination of choice for American travelers. To make this work, we need to get as many African stakeholders and tourism boards as possible to join our effort. I think the cost is affordable for any size business or tourism board. We aim to make it work well for everyone and raise the bar for African Tourism.”