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African Tourism Board is Now Officially Open: We all came out of Africa, Dr. Taleb Rifai

African Tourism Board to the World: You have one more day!
Written by George Taylor

The African Tourism Board is now officially in open and in business. Started as a project by the International Coalition of Tourism Partners less than two years ago.
Currently, the organization has 218  registered members listed on its website. Current members are from 36 African and 25 non-African countries. More than 200 additional membership applications are currently pending payment and to be added shortly.

African Tourism Board is about business and support for the private sector. ATB s about increasing tourism to Africa from overseas source markets in a sustainable way. Therefore a growing list of African Tourism Convention Marketing representations is currently located in the United States of America, Israel, Germany, Italy, and India.

“It is a New Dawn for the African Continent as we usher in the voice of Africa by Africa in Africa”, Chairman Mr. Cuthbert Ncube announced. “It’s the birth of the African Tourism Board (ATB) whose mandate is to drive the vision and the aspirations of more than 1,323,568,478 people in Africa.”

African Tourism Board is now officially in business

Cuthbert Ncube, Chairman of African Tourism Board

“We all came out of Africa”, said Dr. Taleb Rifai, patron of the organization. “That is why it’s a great honor for me to have joined the African Tourism Board. It’s my, our opportunity to pay back to Africa, our motherland, the birthplace of mankind, a long-standing debt that we all owe  Come to join us let us make Africa ONE again and, be ONE with Africa.

Travel, my friends, opens minds, open eyes, and open hearts. We became better people when we travel.”

African Tourism Board is now officially in business

Dr. Taleb Rifai, Patron African Tourism Board

COO Simba Mandinyenya​ announced African Tourism Board (ATB) is up and running. Based on the plans being crafted by the Board, Africa’s tourism space will soon be enjoying some fantastic hospitality events and projects that will have an immediate impact on the continent’s tourism development trajectory.

African Tourism Board is now officially in business

Simba Mandinyenya, COO

CMCO Juergen Steinmetz said: ” Many of you know me as the Publisher of eTurboNews.  I am so proud to witness and be part of the amazing progress of this new organization and hear the excitement among our motivated team and members. This excitement is echoed across the African continent and beyond.  I am also so grateful to my all African colleagues on the Executive Board allowing me to stay on as your CMCO. I am also excited to announce the creation of African Tourism and Convention Marketing (ATCM), a U.S. based corporation with a majority African ownership offering exclusive marketing, project and outreach services to ATB members.


Juergen-Steinmetz, CMCO

CEO Doris Wörfel  added: ” It is a great pleasure for me to announce the launch of the African Tourism Board and its marketing company, African Tourism and Convention Marketing.  Africa has long been waiting for an institution that connects the public sector with the private sector to facilitate, advance and promote tourism growth and development on a Continental level. Strategic partnerships between private sectors are the key for ATB to sustainable growth and development in the African tourism sector to improve the livelihood of African people by job creation.


DorisWoerfel, CEO African Tourism Board

Chairman Cuthbert Ncube concluded:  “As we embark on this journey I am honored to be working with a team who have vested their energy and expertise with a wealth of experience in the Travel and Tourism sector in fulfilling the objectives of ATB. May I take this time to invite our strategic partners, Affiliate Members, and all Tourism Bodies across the continent to join hands with us as we fulfill the mandate of people.

Leading ATB as the Chairperson my mandate is to serve with humility and uncompromising the integrity of our diverse societies, my conviction is ATB in Africa for Africans by Africans together we can go a long way yet segmented we might go faster and limit our destinations.”

The Hon. President of African Tourism Board is Alain St. Ange from Seychelles. Head of Safety and Security is Dr. Peter Tarlow.

The African Tourism Board’s Philosophy is to see  Tourism as a Catalyst for Unity, Peace, Growth, Prosperity, Job Creation for the People of Africa
The vision is  where Africa becomes ONE tourism destination in the WORLD

The Code of Ethics:  ATB supports the UNWTO Global Code of Ethics for Tourism which highlights the “decisive and central” role of UNWTO, as recognized by the General Assembly of the United Nations, in promoting and developing tourism with a view to contributing to economic development, international understanding, peace, prosperity, and universal respect for, and observance of human rights, and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction and without any form of discriminations.

The  Board provides leadership and counsel on an individual and collective basis to its member organizations. The African Tourism Board provides an effective platform for both the public and private sector to engage and reach out.

More information on African Tourism Board is available on

More information on African Tourism and Convention marketing is available on

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